How to Deal With a Nyc Traffic Ticket

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New York City is the number one ticketing municipality in the state, with the NYC Police Department issuing over 4.24 million tickets between 2014 and 2017. Traffic violations are often costly, especially if you receive points on your license that lead to high insurance rates and even possible driving privileges suspension. Fortunately, you can reduce the amount of points on your record by taking defensive driving courses or traffic school referred to as point and insurance reduction programs (PIRP).

How much does a lawyer cost for a speeding ticket in NY?

The first thing you should do after receiving a Nyc traffic ticket is read your citation carefully. The bottom left section provides the name of the court in whose jurisdiction you received the violation and the date you must respond by. The top right section lists the violation type, a brief description of the law violated, and your fine.

If you want to contest the ticket, you must enter a plea of not guilty within 15 days of responding or you risk a default guilty judgment being entered against you. Once you do that, a hearing will be scheduled with the TVB or the municipal court in the county, town, village, or city in which the violation took place.

You can choose to appear at the hearing in person or request a call-in or virtual hearing from TVB. Unlike in regular courts, there is no opportunity to negotiate a settlement before the hearing. At the hearing, the officer will provide their case against you and a judge will decide whether or not to dismiss the ticket.

New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers
555 5th Ave
New York, NY 10017
(917) 348-9099

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