Despite being one of the world’s most common hallucinogens, magic mushrooms are still illegal in the UK. Psilocybin, the chemical that gives these mushrooms their hallucinatory effects, is listed as an undesirable dependence-producing substance.
In the UK, psilocybin is classified as a class A drug, meaning it’s illegal. It’s also listed as a class B drug, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison. It’s also listed as a Class C drug, which can carry an unlimited fine.
The laws regarding recreational use of these drugs are extremely complex. The law states that it’s not illegal to grow these mushrooms yourself, as long as you are over the age of 17. However, it’s illegal to sell them. If you sell them, you could be subject to a lengthy sentencing. See More:
Growing Oyster Mushrooms
Some retailers are worried about the legality of their businesses. Amolon, a Birmingham-based operation, supplies customers across the country. The company is concerned about the lack of regulation in the industry, and has proposed a voluntary “safe sale” protocol. The protocol would limit sales to people aged over 17 and require retailers to warn consumers of the potential dangers of consuming the mushrooms.
It’s hard to regulate a natural drug like magic mushrooms, and the UK doesn’t have a very effective system in place. Some experts have called for changes to the law.
The laws for psilocybin in the UK are confusing. The government’s classification system goes from A to C.
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