Breathwork Facilitator Training Online

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The breathwork instructor training program is a 6-month, online training program, conducted live on Zoom. The program culminates in a 3-day weekend retreat in Southern California in June 2022 (TBD). This online training will prepare you for the practical aspects of facilitating breathwork. The course includes bi-weekly calls, home study, and ongoing support. You will learn the fundamentals of breathwork facilitation and become a skilled practitioner. Breathwork is one of the fastest-growing healing modalities.

You’ll Find That It Will Greatly Benefit Your Life

To become a breathwork facilitator, you must first complete a comprehensive course in the theory and practice of this powerful healing method. It is based on the principles of balancing the nervous system and the meditative practice of contemplative inquiry. Moreover, the program includes an interview with an experienced teacher and online courses. Throughout the training, sessions are recorded and shared for 90 days. After the course, you will receive your certification.

During breathwork facilitator training, you will learn how to evaluate the client’s breathing patterns, and the changes that occur in their bodies during the sessions. You will also learn how to safely enter the energy field of breathers and help them integrate the new practices. You’ll also learn how to self-regulate and test your protocols and theories on yourself. You’ll learn all of this and more by taking breathwork facilitator training online.

Once you’ve finished the training, you’ll need to submit a video of yourself coaching a breath practice and explaining its benefits. After submitting your video, you’ll be guided through the program. Depending on your level, you can complete the course in two weeks or as long as 6 months. This is an excellent option for beginners who want to learn about breathwork as a profession and help others learn how to teach it.

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